What is Kinesis? The term 'Kinesis' means the study of the muscles and the movement of the body. It comes from the Greek work 'Kinesis', which means 'motion'. Specialized Kinesis uses the body's muscle system as a feedback determining where blocks and imbalances are impairing physical, emotional or energetic well-being. The same method of muscle testing can identify factors, such as nutrition or emotional stress, which may be contributing to such imbalances. The Kinesis system applies a range of techniques to restore mind-body balance or homeostasis, promoting a healthy flow of energy. These seminars are a combination of Touch for Health, Brain Gym® and Tools of the Trade. They present new approaches to restore our energies, accomplish our goals faster, and improve our health and self-concept, decrease stress and much more.
Each course teaches various aspects and uses of applied Kinesis (muscle biofeedback). They are Touch for Health, Edu-Kinesthetics and Tools of the Trade and the Kinesis Mastery course. Transform Your Stress by learning to integrate body and mind healing approaches. Anyone can benefit from these courses. This is a way to truly EMPOWER oneself and others.