June '07 - Dr. DeVita Receives
Raindrop Instructor Certificate from D. Gary Young
1 of only 9 in the World
Recognized since the very earliest times, scents have a remarkably compelling influence on the psyche. In ancient Egypt, personal perfumes were designed to elicit various emotions and inspire thoughts. In 8th century AD, Wang Wei said, "Look in the perfumes of flowers and of nature for peace of mind and joy of life."
Applying essential oils along your spine and to your feet, in a specific order can bring your body into balance, boost your immune system, and clear and re-align your energy centers. This technique was developed by internationally acclaimed aromacologist, D. Gary Young, and is based on energy principles of the Lakota Indians. See below for more on Raindrop below. "I was very happy with the course. I feel it's important to experience this type of work on all levels, which we all did. Excellent!!!" - Joanne Pearce, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada More testimonials . . . Also available - Raindrop Technique Workshops