The Institute offers formal and informal class studies. IEWS combines the latest scientific research in natural and energy medicine with ageless wisdom and knowledge practiced in ancient times. Your interest in a natural approach to wellness is vital to humanity and to environmental sustainability. Our aim is to provide quality education in these health-related therapies. Our institute has been created to provide you with a most enjoyable and beneficial learning environment with caring and knowledgeable instructors. IEWS is also affiliated with the University of Energy Health Sciences.
On-campus classes are kept small (maximum of 12-15 students) to ensure maximum interactive and hands-on learning.
Individual learning needs are tailored for each student.
Clinic days are available at the school to support practice and case studies.
Training is provided by qualified Registered Instructors who are successful and recognized in their field.
Methods of Instruction
There are three levels of training formats for all students and professional programs:
Basic Nutritional-Aromatic
Therapeutic Modalities
Case Studies
During the course of study you'll receive:
Theory instruction
Classroom instruction/ guided demonstration
Grades for Program Courses
90-100 = A/Excellent 80-89% = B/Good 75-79% = C/Satisfactory 74% or less = F/Fail
Students must maintain a minimum "C" average (75%), in each course where failing to do so may require rewriting an exam or assignment with only one rewrite opportunity. 80% is the maximum grade awarded after successful remediation. A $150. Canadian fee applies to each rewrite.
Graduation for Program Courses
To graduate,
Students are expected to meet their educational and financial obligations to the Institute first. All tuition, graduation and miscellaneous fees must be paid in full prior to completing a program.
All official student records, such as incoming transcripts, notarized verification of work/life experience credits, must be complete and on file.
All course work must be presented in the required formats.
Students must achieve a passing grade of "C" or higher.
Official transcripts and degrees, diplomas or certificates will be issued when all payments and course work described above is complete.