K-TFH4 - KINESIS TOUCH FOR HEALTH LEVEL 4 (20 contact hours)
Kinesis 4 includes the Level 4 of TFH, which explores balancing the whole system using 42 muscles - a 'head to toe' full body-mind balance, goal balancing, GAIT testing and corrections. Learn more about postural awareness, Luo points and circuit retaining mode to enhance your repertoire of tools.
Learn the powerful Tibetan figure 8 concept of energy flow for stress, pain, joint mobility and healing time. Also covered in this course is more on restoring balance in the aura system and the grid system.
Upon completion of Touch for Health Level 4, students are eligible for the Practitioner's examination that includes both an oral and written exam leading to a Certified Touch for Health Practitioner Certificate from CanBeWell.